Jose A. Olavarria Jr.

I have not seen the video yet, but know of the great sacrifice and courage the 65th Infantry Regiment displayed in Korea. Interested and proud in a all things Puerto Rican, I frequently research about our history and culture. Having served in the U.S. Army for 21 years and retired in 2007, I am familiar with the personal sacrifice all soldiers make in service to country. Unfortunately and to my disappointment Puerto Rican Soldiers do not get enough recognition for their remarkable discipline, courage and dedication to duty. Therefore, your work and effort and that of all Puerto Ricans to teach our future generations our history and culture, from the Tainos to current day is very important. Not only to greet each other with “Boricua”, more so to truly know our history! Le doy mi amor de hermano Puertorriqueno a todo Borincano que alza la gloria de nuestra Islita con orgullo y respeto atraves de su esfuerzo como lo hicieron The Borinqueneers! HOOAH!

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