Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my family member not listed in the Borinqueneers Photo Gallery?

As far as we know, there is no photographic database maintained by the Department of Defense of all those who served in the Armed Forces.

Our Borinqueneers Photo Gallery is not a listing of ALL THOSE how served in the 65th Infantry Regiment. Most of the photos in the Gallery have been provided for display by Borinqueneer veterans or their families. As such, the veterans or their families are the copyright owners of these photos and these photos cannot be copied, disseminated or published anywhere without prior approval or authorization. Some of the photos have been provided from other sources, including university or library archival collections or newspaper articles, which also have copyright restrictions.  Some photos were taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, and as such, are considered public domain.

If you or a family member served in the 65th Infantry Regiment (or its attached units) and you wish to be added to the Gallery, please contact us at or call us at (863) 547-8023. We will provide you with a 65th Infantry Census Form which you will need to fill out describing your military service with the 65th and you will need to submit proof of your 65th Inf. service (such as a copy of your DD214 or other documentation).  You can then submit high-quality resolution photos scanned at 300dpi to be included in the Borinqueneers Photo Gallery. For more information on how to submit photos, read here: How To Submit Photos.

Can you help me find a veteran or provide research on a veteran?

As you can imagine, we receive numerous requests from veterans and family members looking for information on someone who served with the 65th (or Army). We are a small, independent production company with extremely limited manpower and resources and simply cannot respond to every request made to us for research help.

Family members can fill out in Form SF-180 (Request Pertaining to Military Records) to receive copies of a veteran’s military records from the National Personnel Records Center or visit their website at  You can also visit your local Veterans Administration center and one of their representatives can help you fill out Form 180.  It may take several months to receive a response. A 1973 fire destroyed about 80% of the Army’s records for the time period between 1912 and 1960. But you should not let that deter you. You may be one of the lucky ones.  Sometimes they can find all or some of documents that you are looking for.

We also suggest you add your e-mail address to our mailing list to receive our free online newsletter which contains announcements about the documentary.  Since we sometimes publish articles and photographs (some of which identify soldiers by name), you may get lucky and find some information.

What can I do to find a veteran?

As far as we know, there is no complete list which exists or is available to the public which contains the names of all those who served in the 65th Infantry Regiment.  There ARE lists of those who WERE WOUNDED OR KILLED OR… in some cases OF THOSE WHO EARNED MEDALS.  You can visit the National Archives website for listings of wounded/dead by state.  Or visit the Korean War Project or websites for lists of those who earned medals and served specifically with the 65th.

We do have some 65th Personnel Lists available where we might be able to search and confirm the 65th service of a veteran.   You can also check our website periodically to search the photo gallery or newsletters which might have information on the person you are looking for.  From these lists, you can obtain valuable information such as the individual’s service number, the date he was wounded or killed, etc.

But the more information you can provide of the veteran and his service, most importantly, his Army Service Number, the better since some names, such as “Jose Rivera” are so common that you would need the Army Service Number to distinguish the particular “Jose Rivera” you may be looking for.

What can I do once I have a Service Number?

Once you find the soldier’s Service Number from these lists, family members can obtain a veteran’s military records by sending in Form SF-180 (Request Pertaining to Military Records).  As a close family member, they can send you his military service records and that may bring you some information.  A 1973 fire destroyed about 80% of the Army’s records for the time period between 1912 and 1960. But you should not let that deter you. You may be one of the lucky ones.  Sometimes they can find all or some of documents that you are looking for.

You can also send a letter to the Veterans Administration addressed to the veteran you are looking for and include his Service Number with a request to the VA to forward the letter to him. If he is receiving VA benefits and is still alive, they will have a current address for him and might forward the letter to the veteran.  The VA will not give you his address.  It is up to the veteran if he wishes to respond to the letter.  Keep in mind that the veteran may not be in the VA system receiving benefits or he may be deceased.

How can I get copies of my family member’s military records?

If you do not have a copy of the DD214 (Discharge Papers) or wish to obtain other documentation about the veteran’s military service, you should submit Form SF-180 with the National Personnel Records Center.  You may obtain copies of your own military records or you must be a close family member to submit  Form SF-180 (Request Pertaining to Military Records).  Visit this link to obtain the Form 180 and read more helpful information on obtaining copies of military records:  Obtaining Military Records.  Try to fill out as much information as you know in the form, including Service Number (if known), companies and dates served, etc.  Then be patient – since it takes quite some time.  A 1973 fire destroyed about 80% of the Army’s records for the time period between 1912 and 1960. But you should not let that deter you. You may be one of the lucky ones.  Sometimes they can find all or some of documents that you are looking for.

You may receive a generic form letter telling you that the records were burned in a 1973 fire.  If you do, we suggest you persist and contact the National Personnel Records Center to obtain some kind of documentation of your military service.  Oftentimes, they are able to find something like a payroll document stating the name of the veteran and the unit he served in, etc.

How can I add an award to the DD214 (Discharge Papers) that was earned but is currently not listed?

Contact your local office of State veterans’ affairs, a veterans’ center or a local congressman.  They can assist you in filing the required paperwork to obtain any awards and decorations missing.  Be prepared for a long wait.  Maybe longer than a year.  But continue to check on the status periodically.

How can I receive a medal which was promised but never received or replace a lost medal?

If you feel you deserve a medal or award you were never authorized you may apply as a first-time recipient for that award to your military department’s Awards Branch using form DD-149. You will also be required to submit military record documentation, eyewitness statements and other evidence confirming your eligibility for the medal or award you are applying for.

Please visit this website to obtain more information and apply online:

How can I receive the Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal?

Congress approved and paid to manufacture only ONE Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal which was symbolically presented to the entire Regiment at a ceremony in Washington, DC in April, 2016.  The purpose of this civilian medal was to honor ALL those, living and deceased, who served with the 65th Infantry Regiment since its creation until its deactivation (1899-1956).  This included veterans without regard to his race or ethnic origin who were assigned to the 65th Infantry Regiment (as well as other units attached to the 65th), including:  Puerto Rican soldiers, continental officers, and soldiers of any other origin including continentals, for example, from the Virgin Islands, Mexican-Americans, etc.

Since then there have been various ceremonies in Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and many other places to award replica medals to the veterans of the 65th which were purchased from donations received by corporations and individuals.  *We do have a very limited supply of  replica medals available which we award to veterans or families of deceased veterans who register their 65th military service with us.  You should fill out the 65th Infantry Census Form along with proof of service, such as a copy of the DD214 (Discharge Paper) which lists the 65th Infantry Company he served in or other documentation or photographic evidence.  *NOTE:  Currently we no longer award Congressional Gold Medals since our supply of medals has been exhausted and the U.S. Mint raised the prices of the medals by more than 400%.

For deceased Borinqueneers, family members should submit a copy of the DD214 along with a Death Certificate and the signature and contact information of the family member that is accepting the Medal on behalf of the deceased Borinqueneer.

You should also know that anyone can purchase a Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal  directly from the U.S. Mint website**They sell the 3 inch medal for $39.95 and a 1.5 inch medal for $6.95.
** NOTE:  As of January 2021, has raised their prices for all the Congressional Gold Medals.  The 3 inch medal currently sells for $160 and the 1.5 inch medal is $20.

For more information, please call us at (863) 547-8023.

How can I receive the Ambassador for Peace Medal given by the Government of South Korea?

If you served in Korean War, you may be eligible for the Korean Ambassador for Peace Medal. This commemorative medal is an expression of appreciation from the Korean government to American service men and women who served in the Korean War. The Ambassador for Peace Medal began to be presented to veterans as a special memento for those of who returned to South Korea through the “Revisit Program”. Because many of Korean War veterans could not travel the long journey to Korea, the medal is now mailed to veterans who register and can provide proof of service during the Korean War. The 65th Infantry Regiment Motorcycle Association assists Korean War veterans with this process as they network with various Korean Consul Offices. Please contact Héctor Díaz at (484) 767-5884, or write to 65th Infantry Regiment MA, P.O. Box 22101 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-2101 or email to:

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