My name is Milton Rosario, and I am a retired NYPD Detective who now teaches Criminal Justice at the high school level in Port St. Lucie Florida. I am also a Chaplain for the Brevard County 10-13 Club, a group of retired police officers from the New York area. I have just returned from our 10-13 monthly meeting where I spoke about our need, as a country, to remember our veterans more – especially during Veterans Day. I am not happy with the decline in admiration towards our soldiers. I have spent all day writing articles and sermons dealing with this issue. This is the last e-mail I will write before I lay my head down for the night. But I am all fired up about this issue and I just couldn’t resist this one when I read your Borinqueneers Newsletter this evening. Like I said, I have spent all day writing about and the recognition that our soldiers should be receiving this time of year. But before I go to sleep I must also commend you Madam for all of the work that you have dedicated towards the issue of the 65th Infantry. You have been so dedicated to this cause and I, as a Puerto Rican (who never served in the military) thank you. You have brought these soldier’s stories to life and I feel like I know them personally. My wife and I met you a few years ago at the Museo del Barrio during a presentation of your documentary and I was very impressed with your work and dedication. As the years have gone by, I’ve noticed that you have not let this issue lose it’s place in the public eye, just the opposite, you have pushed for more recognition. During this Veterans Day I would like to include you in my list of soldiers who I thank God for. I thank God for the soldiers of the 65th Infantry – those GIANTS who’s shoulders I stand on. But I also thank God for you – the soldier who has taken on the fight that no one else saw. The fight to recognize and defend our 65th. May our Lord and Savior guide you through your battlefield as you fight the good fight. Heroes are not just those who run into burning buildings, but also those who become a voice for the voiceless.
Very respectfully yours,
Milton Rosario