I saw the Borinqueneers several times and it was awesome, I have always been proud of being Puertorican, thru out my military years and thru out my life we have always flown proudly our flag in our cars, hats, clothes, gear, and even on our skin. This film has captured the old saying of (donde resbala un boricua se escocota un mono) which made me get goose bumps when i saw these Boricua Warriors accomplished there missions above and beyond, with valor and galantry never before portrayed in the battlefield, WOW.
We are very special people with a huge heart from a little island, and no matter how difficult, impossible, and suicidal are the tasks given to any BORICUA, we will rise to the occasion, kick ass, take names, and come out skweeky clean and victorious on the other side, and we do this with half our brain tide behind our backs to make it even. Does anyone know the name of the soldier with all the ladies in the vehicle? I do, his name is SSGT. Raul Santiago my father, I always knew that I would see him again. He died in 1985, he is origanily from Naranjito,PR and is buried in Juana Diaz, PR. He never talked about the war like many others that where there. Finally ,I want to thank all of the people assosiated with this production for enlighting us and schooling us with the facts and the truth of what really happenned and also for letting me see my father again. THANKS , “ALWAYS BE PROUD BORICUA”