Fui con mi esposa, Catalina, a un restauran muy famoso aquí en Orlando. Tenía puesta la camisa y la gorra del 65 de Infantería. La comida era como 60 Dólares. No quisieron cobrarme. Me dijeron que yo era un Heroe Nacional y no quisieron cobrarme. Todos los veteranos del 65 de Inf. apreciamos tu trabajo que has tenido todos estos años. Sin tu esfuerzo tal vez no mucha gente se hubieran enterado de la labor del Regimiento 65 de Infantería. Gracias de corazón.
I went with my wife, Catalina, to a very famous restaurant here in Orlando. I was wearing the 65th Infantry shirt and hat. The meal cost about $60. They would not take my money. They told me that I was a National Hero and they did not want to take my money. All the veterans of the 65th Infantry Regiment appreciate the work you have done all these years. Without your efforts many people would not have known about the accomplishments of the 65th Infantry Regiment. I thank you from my heart.