Luis Diaz, Jr.

Hola a Todos los Veteranos de Korea!!

My Papa, Luis Diaz Santos, was a member of the 65th. Inf. Reg. My Dad was born and raised in Old San Juan, San Sebastian Street, as I was.

He served in Korea in 1950-52. and was with the 65th. until 1958 out of the Guardia Nacional in Puerta de Tierra, San Juan. In Korea, he served with the Heavy Mortars, as he did in Germany. Then he served with the Tank Company. My Dad was station at the 38th Paralel for a while too. His nickname was, Luis “Tabaco”. I wonder if any one remember him? He died retired in the Phillippines on April 09, 2005.

I just discovered the site today, Memorial Day, I am a veteran of Vietnam, 1970-73. I served with the 101st. Airborne Division, B Company, 1st. of the 501st.

I am very thankful to all involved in remembering our galant soldiers in Korea. We must also remember all the others in WW I, WW II, and Vietnam. God Bless Them All!!

Luis “Tabaco” Jr.

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