Dad, Luis Sepulveda Ortiz, is living in Seaside, California and he is still driving around at the age of 81.He was in the 3rd Infantry Division, 65th Infantry “Borinqueneer”, Company D and was on the ship that landed in Korea in 1950 as they made the march up north, and then they help the Soldiers and Marines who were overwhelmed by the enemy.
He then want back to Puerto Rico, then Washington State, Germany, Fort Sill, Tampa Florida “Stike Force Command”, Germany, and finally to Ft Ord, California where he is retired.
I alway thought when he said he was in the 3rd ID, I associated it with the division located in the states.
I retired from the Army at 20 years (2004) and never knew about the Borinqueneers. It touch my hearty to know my dad played a significate roll in Puerto Rican history.
For thoughs of you still serving, please pass the word about the Borinqueneers, the finest monments and the lows they experienced…
I found out about this DVD today, Wow! Got to get to my dad.
Till the next time