Jennie Perez

I saw this documentary in August 2007 at Hostos Community College in the Bronx. My father, Federico Perez, supported the presentation, since one of his long time friends, Ramon S. Velez had been a member of the Regiment. I heard Mr. Velez tell stories about the strugles but never imagined the extent to what I saw. Their courage, struggles, and conviction are beyond belief. I bought 5 DVD’s and gave them as presents to my brothers and sisters in Florida and Puerto Rico. They were very excited.I am a proud caborrojena de pura cepa, and orgullosa de hablar mi idioma dondequiera.

My 14 year old grandson is an ABC Scholar in Amherst, MA, and will be watching the documentary as a special aasignment at his boarding residence. He is curious about why I want him to watch the video but I am sure he will be proud to call himself a Puerto Rican and the great contributions we have made to the United States.

Thank you, 
Jennie Perez
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