Alizbeth Marie Figueroa

I really dont know much about what happened but watching this documentary has helped me understand a little of what my grandfather had to go through. My Grandfather Johnny Figueroa served in this war and lost a leg. I am thankful for my grandfather and even though he isnt here i can honestly say i am proud of him. I am proud of my puerto rican heritage and of the Boriqueneers. I’m a little shocked of what happened to my people. I never thought they would actually try to massacre them after they tried to help a country which they didnt belong to. They were treated the way they should of and this document changed my opinion of the Army. I am not a soldier but i am a daughter of one. I thank God my father hasnt had to go through something like this. I thank those that fought in this war and my Puerto Rican pride stands STRONG…….R.I.P Abuelo Johnny Figueroa
God Bless!!

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