Before I say anything else I must say that this was a beautiful and well put together documentary. As a member of the military for the past 16 years and recently returning from Afghanistan I must say, I can relate. Discrimination will always be there, I’m just glad we have better ways to fight those issues straight on now days. What moved me the most was how true it was back in there days and still is today,the pride with which we serve. No one can never take that away from us. We will excell at what we do, no one has to like us as a people but they sure will respect us from our actions, and our actions speak loud. The way they looked out for each other, is the same way it’s done amongst us today, while I was in Afghanistan the Puerto Rico National Guard came around and it was like being at home, that bond was formed immediately. This film is just inspiring and filled with patriotism, it tells more than just of the 65th, it tells you who we are. I hope I had never given my people a bad name or in any way disgrace such amazing individuals such as “the borinqueneers”. I had to purchase this dvd just so I can sit down and watch it with my sons. I wish more films like this and “hereos de otra patria” were made, just beautiful, GREAT JOB!