Juan R. Rodriguez

Wow!!! I can wait to purchase the DVD and share it with everyone that I can show it to. I am the proud grandson of a WWII veteran and a proud son of a Vietnam Vet. I was born in New Jersey but have always wanted to bridge my Puerto Rican culture with my American roots. The “orgullo” that I have when I see well documented history of our people. I am currently serving in the US Army as a Chaplain Assistant and can not wait to see which one of my kids or nephews/nieces who will carry this legacy of serving this country throught the armed forces.
May God always protect our “isla” and may we never forget the sacrifices of our brave “compadre” who bravely fought and die for the USA. May all Americans remember that there was “boricua” blood spill in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan.
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