I am a Viet-Nam vet. and Im surprise that now 50 some years later the 65th infantry is getting the recogniton it deserve.I also had a father in law that because of this war in Korea,was all mess up,including beeing an alcoholic,I’m pretty sure he had some stories to tell…but never wanted to talk about it; and I can understand; I was the same way for a while…This is great because we are indeed great wariors and we the puertoricans had gone to so many rough times in the Army because of that.I thank you for that recognition that we so much needed,so the world knows that we also love and respect this country as much if not more than all the american people.Just hope that someone write about the war in Viet-Nam and the Puertorican intervention in it. I for instance have great stories to tell. But thank you for telling the world what I and other soldiers knew a long time ago…about puertoricans soldiers.
Thank you again, for this magnificent documentary. We have to show it in Puerto Rico, is a must for all us to see this…it will mean so much for our dignity; try it you will have a greater response if you do.Again congratulations!!!!