I had the pleasure of knowing SFC Marcos Melendez (Ret) when my father, a Puerto Rican soldier, was assigned to Fort Sill, OK. Even though Don Marcos was retired, he and his first wife, Dona Leila, mentored many other Puerto Rican families that were assigned to the post. Don Marcos passed away on March 5, 2023 at the age of 100. He was laid to rest on March 10, 2023
My Great Uncle, Fernando Monero Varona, was also a proud Borinqueneer that has passed away and is buried in El Cementerio Nacional en Bayamon. Tio Fernan was a very important part of my life and my father’s. I hope my family lets his story be known too.
Que dios bendiga a todos los que lucharon por nuestro pais y representron a nuestra patria!