June, 2010 My father, Sgt.1st Class Julio Maisonet was a Borinqueneer.He received rhe Bronze Star and the Purple Heart medals for service over and beyond the call of duty while in Korea. He retired in 1968 after serving 2 tours in VietNam in the 101 St Airborne out of Fort Benning’ GA. He was the most honourable man I have ever known, the best father, husband, brother, uncle,son, friend. His name is inscripted in the Koren War Memorial in Washington and should be in any memorial to Viet Nam Veterans anywhere. He was a soldiers soldier, a Hero, a true Patriot even in a country who thought he was a minority because he was Puertorican. As a Borinquener he spoke little english but understood all he was told and saw his brothers get killed by the hundreds in that cold and gray place called South Korea,walking in their blood, a young man in his early twenties. He held his ground alongside all those other brave Heroes who survived. But tbe Army did not finish with him there. In 1966 he trained for the 101 Airborne. I recollect his coming home exhausted. And in 1967, he went to Viet Nam. When he came home, he, a seasoned soldier, had nightmares and cried when he saw little kids. He said no one should see the things he and his men saw in those early battles in Viet Nam . Today, june 22, 2010, I remember him with pride and never ending love. He died sitting, he said a soldier did not die in bed, in 2003. Daddy, my Hero. I know you walk proudly alonside all the Heroes of all america’s wars in that special place God has for Heroes.