Thank you for bringing to light the sacrifices made by our Puertorican men way back from WW1. My uncle, Herminio Sepulveda, from Maguaguez, was a sergeant in WWII and was stationed in the Philippines. I have old pictures of him and some of his buddies back in the Philippines. I also have a cousin, Adolfo Quiles Perez, living in Mayaguez, that fought in the Korean war. He was wounded and has shrapnel in one of his legs. I have a picture of him in his army uniform. I would love to share these pictures and would like to know if there is a page where I can upload these pictures.
Needless to say, I’m very proud of my uncle and cousin and I’m more than glad that our history with the US is full of honor. Maybe as our history emerges from the dimness, we as a people will be given the respect we deserve. Respect that has been brought with the blood of our men that have fought and continue to fight for our rights as Puertorican Americans.
Yo Soy Boricua – pa que lo sepas!!