The 2024 edition of the Borinqueneers Photo Directory has more than 120 additional photographs, as well as revisions and additions that have been made to the lists, including a new entry for World War I Statistics with a listing of the Borinqueneers non-battle casualties from that war thanks to extensive research conducted by Noemi Figueroa Soulet and SGM Eric Hunt-Benitez (Ret.) Organized in alphabetical order, the book contains almost 1,500 black and white photographs of 65th Infantry soldiers and officers listing their company and dates served, and major medals earned. The photographs were sent to us by veterans and their families over the years and includes photographs obtained from public and private sources as well. The book also features appendices including a Regimental Commander photo roster, 65th Infantry statistics, and lists by name of 65th casualties and medals earned. It is an essential reference book for those veterans who do not own computers and cannot access our online Gallery of photos. Or for anyone with an interest in the 65th Infantry Regiment! 162 pages, 8 1/2” x 11”. Quantities are limited so order your copy today! Contact us for wholesale prices available with a minimum purchase of 12 copies (1 dozen).
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Comments from happy customers:
“The Photo Directory together with the summary of the Legendary 65th Infantry Regiment of which I am so proud of, allowed me to search page by page to see if a photo of a member friend appeared in the directory who served together with me during the Korean War. The directory has a special place in my office with other memorabilia. On Thanksgiving Day, my sons and especially my grandchildren took turns in reading the short summary and viewing it and commented on how proud they were of me to have served with the Glorious 65th Regiment especially in wartime. So, I consider it an educational tool for younger generations to motivate them to be better citizens. I highly recommend every living person that appears in the directory, to obtain a copy and likewise family members of those veterans who appear in the directory to do the same.”
– DANIEL JAIME, MSG US Army Retired and 65th Infantry veteran
“Este directorio es, con sus reliquias imágenes, un ejemplar testamento de un grupo digno de nuestro mas alto respeto y perpetua admiración. Aunque la gran mayoría de sus voces descansan en eterno silencio, sus radiantes rostros perdurablemente relucen, por lo honorable y generoso que ha sido el dedicado servicio militar de estos valientes boricuas.”
– GABRIEL FUENTES, III, hijo de veterano del 65 CPT Gabriel Fuentes
“This directory is, with its relic images, a model testament to a group worthy of our highest respect and unending admiration. Although the large majority of its voices rest in eternal silence, their radiant faces will shine forever because of how honorable and generous the dedicated military service of these brave Boricuas has been. ”
– GABRIEL FUENTES, III, son of 65th veteran CPT Gabriel Fuentes
“Congratulations on completing such a wonderful book. It is a great companion to your film, ‘The Borinqueneers’. Now I can put names and faces to those brave Boricuas of the 65th Infantry Regiment who fought and died in the Korean War and all those you so eloquently profiled in your groundbreaking film, one that has drawn praise and acclaim worldwide for both you and the veterans. The book is an invaluable resource. Besides the personal photos with Borinqueneer names, dates, ranks, units and the like, it contains a brief history of the regiment, medals awarded, a list of all regiment commanders and those wounded or killed. Though I understand it is not all-inclusive, your exhaustive work on this book speaks for itself. To my knowledge, no one has ever done such a tribute to the 65th Infantry vets before! I salute you for this accomplishment. I thank you for providing us with such a valuable resource which I’m sure will be treasured by many, especially the veterans themselves, their families, and all the people of Puerto Rico and the Diaspora, including me. I’ll cherish it all my life. Long live the Borinqueneers!”
La edición de 2024 del Directorio de Fotos Borinqueneers contiene más de 120 fotografías adicionales y se han realizado revisiones y adiciones a las listas. También contiene un nuevo listado de Estadísticas de la Primera Guerra Mundial con una lista de las bajas borinqueñas de esa guerra no relacionadas con la batalla gracias a una extensa investigación realizada por Noemí Figueroa Soulet y el SGM Eric Hunt-Benítez (retirado). Organizado en orden alfabético, el libro contiene casi 1,500 fotografías en blanco y negro de soldados y oficiales que sirvieron en el 65 de Infantería anotando la compañía y fechas de servicio, y las medallas principales recibidas. Las fotografías han sido enviadas por los veteranos y sus familias a través de los años y también incluye fotografías obtenidas de fuentes públicas y privadas. El libro también contiene apéndices incluyendo fotos de los comandantes regimientales, estadísticas del 65 de Infantería y listas por nombre de las bajas y medallas recibidas del 65. Es un libro de referencia esencial para aquellos veteranos que no poseen computadoras y no pueden acceder a nuestra galería de fotos en el internet. O para cualquier persona con interés en el Regimiento 65 de Infantería! 162 páginas, 8 1/2” x 11”. Existencias son limitadas así que ordene su copia hoy! Contáctenos para precios mayoristas disponibles con una compra mínima de 12 copias (1 docena).
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