Various screenings and events that took place in 2008 in Puerto Rico, New Jersey, Arizona, North Carolina, California, Illinois, Texas, Washington, DC, Florida and Indiana.
April 15, 2008 - 65th veteran LTC Tomas Guffain is buried at Arlington Cemetery.
The burial urns under the tent for LTC Guffain and his wife, Mrs. Elma Guffain. The band plays in the background.
Full military honors are bestowed on LTC Guffain, including a gun salute.
An evening dinner with the surviving children of Tomas & Elma (from left to right in back row): Tom, Millie and Carlos honor their parents lives.
April 19, 2008 - Interview at Latin Jubilee Radio Show with Judy Battista (FM 99.1 & on AM 1110 - Hudson Valley, NY).
April 24, 2008 - A Borders Bookstore presentation at Plaza Las Americas Mall in San Juan, PR.
April 25, 2008 - Our film was an Official Selection at the Rincon International Film Festival at Villa Cofresi in Rincon, PR.
After the screening of film, 65th vet Salvador Romero answers questions from the audience.
"The Borinqueneers" wins Best Puerto Rican Documentary. Noemi accompanied by fellow filmmaker Dan Perez (right) and Victor Antonio who won an award for their documentary film "The Motivator".
April 27, 2008 - The Borders Bookstore Manager at the Mayaguez store introduces Noemi to the guests.
Guests at the Borders presentation in Mayaguez Mall - April 27, 2008
May 18, 2008 -A film screening at the Burke Theatre in Peddie School (Hightstown, NJ) sponsored by the Latina Women's Council of Mercer County.
An honor guard begins the presentation.
Top Row (left to right): Robert Patten (Mayor of Hightstown), Nilda Garcia (Pres. of Latina Council) and Ed Mazzeo (Chief of Veteran Services for Mercer County), Noemi and Gerson Martinez, Community Activist. Bottom row (L to R): 65th veterans Wendell Vega, Jaime Lopez, Eugenio Quevedo and Researcher Ernest Acosta.
May 21, 2008 - A film screening at the NATIONAL GUARD EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CONFERENCE at Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort, Phoenix, AZ. National guardsmen from 50 states attended.