Oscar Roman-Lugo

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CO C 1953, Silver Star (upgraded from Bronze Star for Valor) (Deceased 2007)


SILVER STAR CITATION (UPGRADED FROM BRONZE STAR) – Private First Class OSCAR ROMAN LUGO, US 50114547, Infantry, Company “C”, 65th Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army. On the night of 23 February 1953, a patrol of Company “C”, of which Private ROMAN LUGO was a member, was assigned the mission of destroying an enemy patrol in the vicinity of Chich-on, Korea, and to capture prisoners for intelligence purposes. When the patrol was ambushed by a hostile force, the patrol leader was seriously wounded in the initial burst of fire and lay within yards of the enemy position. After the friendly elements withdrew from the engagement to reorganize, Private ROMAN LUGO volunteered to accompany another member of the patrol to search for the wounded officer. He was subjected to intense hostile fire, but continued in the search until the wounded officer was located. Private Roman Lugo then assisted the other volunteer in dragging him back through the enemy fire to safety. Private ROMAN LUGO outstanding gallantry, initiative and devotion to duty reflect great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the Federal service from Puerto Rico. GENERAL ORDERS – NUMBER 144 – 23 May 1953

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