MSG Venancio (“Rafa”) de Jesus (Ret.)

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Co. C 1950-1952 (Deceased 2010)


MSG Venancio (“Rafa) de Jesus (Ret.) was born in Cayey, Puerto Rico on July 27, 1919 and died in Orlando, FL on May 30, 2011.  He was a Borinqueneer in Korea and during World War II, serving in Africa through Italy and into Germany. When he arrived in Korea he was already a Master Sergeant and served as a recon Platoon  SGT in Company “C”.  But he never talked war stories.  He served for twenty years and retired at Fort Gordon, GA in 1966. He was 90 yrs old and everyone knew him, because of his Borinqueneers hat and military salute.  De Jesus was buried at Bushnell Military Cemetery in Florida. At the viewing many people talked  about the giving, religious man who left behind three sons – two retired US Army Lieutenant Colonels and one disabled Sergeant from the Ranger Battalion at Fort Stewart. His father-in-law, Sgt. Eloy Cruz-Claudio of San Lorenzo, also served in the 65th as the company carpenter for 27 years in Cayey.  Submitted by his son, Lt. Col. Edwin de Jesús (Ret.)

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