Maj. Gen. Charles Cuprill Oppenheimer (Ret., NG), 95, was born on September 12, 1916 in Ponce, Puerto Rico and died on October 7, 2011. During the 19th century, his family migrated to Puerto Rico; his father (Cuprill) was Flemish and his mother was named Oppenheimer. Charles joined the ROTC program at the University of Puerto Rico and graduated in 1940. During World War II, he was activated in the Army and commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant serving in Co. “L” of the 65th Inf. Regt. In 1946, he was discharged as a Major and continued his studies to obtain a law degree. During the Korean War, he served in Puerto Rico as the 3rd Battalion Commander of the National Guard’s 296th Inf. Regt, eventually becoming the Commanding Officer of Henry Barracks where draftees were trained before being shipped to Korea. He retired from the National Guard with the rank of Major General. His many achievements during his illustrious career include: Dean of the Pontifical Catholic University School of Law and Chairman of the Puerto Rico Electoral Reform Commission. Submitted by William Feliciano, Esq.