Juan Soto
Juan Soto had been looking for Nestor Diaz for many years now. He had called many people and written many letters, but he did not know Nestor’s whereabouts or if he was still living at all. Almost 50 years ago when both men were with “G” Company, Nestor became seriously wounded in enemy territory and Juan had carried him for 12 miles to safety. That was on a wintry day on December 23, 1951. And yet, like many other soldiers who performed heroic acts back then, Juan had never been given the proper recognition for it. Another hero who fell through the cracks. When Juan, a resident of Queens, New York, asked me to help him find Nestor, I thought it would be impossible. But then I remembered the casualty lists that can now be found on various websites on the internet, such as at The Korean War Project, at (which has information on the 65th Infantry) and others. Not expecting any results, I looked up Nestor’s name on the WIA list and found his serial number which I then gave to Juan. Juan wrote Nestor a letter and sent the unsealed letter to the Veterans Administration with Nestor’s serial number asking them to forward the letter. Within days, Juan received a phone call from Nestor in Puerto Rico. Both men were thrilled to find each other. Nestor was grateful for the gift of life that Juan had given him and had always spoken fondly of Juan to his family. Nestor and his family plan to help Juan receive the medal which he deserved but never got. They also plan to stay in touch and possibly meet in the near future. During this festive time, we are pleased to tell you about this happy reunion story. Many others will remember the cold winters of Korea and feel grateful to have been able to return home to their loved ones.