My father, Heriberto Montalvo, served with the 65th Infantry as a sergeant at HQ Co 2nd Battalion . He served from June 1951- June 1953 in Korea. I remember him telling me he was a cook. He never spoke of Korea or of what he experienced. I remember him always saying “that war is something no one should ever have to witness”.
Unfortunately, my father passed away on December 6, 2007. It was after I read his discharge papers to ready his funeral arrangements that I noticed he was with the 65th Infantry and did some research and came upon your film. I wish he would have been able to see your film before his passing. There are so many questions I would have liked to ask him about his experiences in Korea. Your film opened my eyes to a part of my father’s past I never knew of. He never regretted his time in the US ARMY..
I have passed the information to my children and I hope they, too, will pass this on to their children. And may the next generations of all 65th Infantry descendants pass the pride and sacrifice of these gallant men who gave all to a country they loved and honored with pride. A country that gave them so little recognition but with your research and film has opened the eyes of many.
Maureen Pinzon (daughter)