Hector Aleman-Cuadro

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Co. B 1952, Purple Heart (Deceased 2007)


Hector Aleman Cuadro, 78, was born on November 16, 1929 and passed away on May 21, 2007 during open heart surgery in Dorado, Puerto Rico.  Hector served with the 65th during the Korean War in Company “B” as a second lieutenant.  He was one of only 13 survivors of the Kelly Hill attack on Company B on September 18, 1952 when almost the whole company was destroyed. Wounded by enemy fire, Lt. Alemán received serious injuries in the face, in both arms and in the legs.  A bullet aimed at his chest grazed a gold, religious medallion that he was wearing thereby saving his life.  To survive, he then threw himself down a slope and with the help of another injured compatriot was able to reach safety.  He received the Purple Heart.  Submitted by LTC Bart Soto (Ret., USAR)

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