First Sgt. Abelardo Malavé-Ríos of Aibonito, PR joined the Army from New York. He was in Company F in 1951 during the Korean War. Abelardo received the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in military opera-tions involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam on February 27, 1968, while serving with Co. A, 12th Infantry Regt, 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Div. Exposing himself to the deadly automatic weapons fire, he moved along the defensive perimeter shouting commands, pointing out targets and giving words of encouragement to his men. When an exploding grenade wounded a machine gunner, he immediately moved to the weapon and poured a concentrated volume of fire into the charging enemy troops. When this enemy foray had been repelled, he moved to aid several soldiers who had been wounded. As the first helicopter landed, the landing zone came under intense enemy fire, mortally wounding Sgt. Malave-Rios. Abelardo was 38 years old and had served for 16 years.