The following is a compilation of resources and links that we have put together for your benefit. These sites provide additional information, facts, images and the like and should be used for enjoyment only.
Please note that El Pozo Productions does not necessarily endorse nor share the views expressed by any of these sites.
Center of Military History
Center of Military History website containing general military history information.
Tu punto de encuentro del cine puertorriqueño. Nuestro propósito es servirte como herramienta de información para mantenerte al tanto de todo lo que acontece en nuestro cine por medio de noticias, biografías, comentarios, entre otros…
Hispanic Americans in the U.S. Army
A site about Hispanic Americans in the U.S. Army.
Hispanic-American Veterans of Connecticut, Inc. (HAVOCT)
The Hispanic-American Veterans of Connecticut, Inc. mission is to provide bilingual (Spanish and English) services to any Connecticut veteran who is actively serving, honorably discharged, or retired, to include members of the immediate family.
Imjin Buddy Bunker
Mervin Key’s website is for Korean War veterans who served in or with the First Battalion of the 15th Infantry (“Can Do”) Regiment of the Third Infantry Division during the Korean War and received a Combat Infantryman Badge -AND- other unit’s members who served along the Imjin River and near (or on) Outpost Nori, Outpost Tessie, Outpost Kelly, Hill 317, or Hill 355 (a/k/a Little Gibraltar, Armistice Hill, and Dagmar) during the Korean War.
Korean War Educator
We invite you to look around the KWE (Korean War Educator) as a whole–a website that will help you to gain a better understanding of the men and women who served in the Korean War. This site is both a tool to educate and a place to honor those who fought and served in, as well as died in, the Korean War.
The Korean War Project
Great resource on the Korean War! Also contains MIA/KIA/POW database and history.
National Guard Heritage Series
Information on how to order a free THE BORINQUENEERS Heritage Print poster painted by Dominic D’Andrea and commissioned by the National Guard Heritage Series. Orders are only accepted by email at: The prints are free, but there is a limit on how many you can order. There are two sizes: SMALL: 11″ x 14″ total size, with an 8.5″ x 11″ image and LARGE: 20″ x 24″ total size, with a 15″ x 21″ image.
You can also go to this link and download the painting in various sizes.
Society of the 3d Infantry Division
The official website of the Society of the 3rd Infantry Division, parent division of the 65th Infantry Regiment.
A must to visit! Danny Nieves’ great site on the 65th contains photos, history, casualty and medals list.