Filmmaker Noemi Figueroa Soulet, along with others, was an honoree of this year’s Institute of Puerto Rico cultural awards in New York City. The Institute recognizes and rewards, through an annual cultural ceremony, prominent people in the community. Among the honorees have been José Ferrer, Lucy Boscana, His Eminence Bishop Roberto O. Gonzalez, Raul Juliá, Rita Moreno, Pablo Elvira, Marta Casals Istomin, Sister Isolina Ferré, Enrique Laguerre and many others.

Coincidentally, thirty-five years ago when Noemi was a young lady she volunteered her time as an escort for the honorees at the Institute’s award ceremonies. The Institute would select nine young ladies from the community to represent the Greek muses. According to Greek mythology, the muses were goddesses who inspired artists, musicians, writers, and poets. Noemi participated for 5 years as a Muse and saw first hand the wonderful work that the Institute was doing on behalf of the community.

The Institute of Puerto Rico is the oldest Puerto Rican organization in New York City founded in 1946 by a group of educators and civic leaders. The Institute’s goal is to promote and maintain the Puerto Rican culture. The Institute conducts literary discussions, lectures, concerts, and recitals. The money obtained through their activities is used to provide scholarships to talented students.

The cultural awards ceremony took place on October 4, 2009 from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Scaletta Ristorante, 50 West 77th St, New York, NY 10024. Tickets are $65 per person. For more information, call the Institute at 718-938-1533 or email pacheco.ipr@rcn.com or write to Instituto de Puerto Rico, Premios Culturales, P.O. Box 681, New York, NY 10116. We welcome the support of the community!

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