I am really proud of the work you have done. I am a third generation soldier. My grandfather and father both served in the 65th Inf. Regt. and my father has told me many stories about his time with the regiment during WWII and Korea. The one that always stays with me is the one that after a battle during the Korean War, he found his brother wounded and picked him up and carried him. At first I did not understand the different things that he went through during his time in the military,now I do since I’m also a combat veteran. My father passed away 21 years ago, but I still remeber the time I went to visit his grave and found a six-pack of beer (his brand)empty on top of his grave. I later found out that it was one of his buddies from the 65th that had found out about his passing and came to drink with him. Must of the people that I grew up around were members of the 65th Inf. Regt. so since i grew up listening to them talk about thier times with the regiment,I wanted to serve my country in the way my grandfather, my father and his friends did. I’mm very proud of them and all of you that served with the 65th Infantry Regiment.