I must say that I am impressed with the documentary “The Borinqueneers”, the reaction of our brothers and sisters that have served, and mostly with the faculty that have taken the time and many hours to put this DVD alive into our history to reveal the truth of what took place there in Korea. It is inpressive to know that many people have come forward to reveal what transpired there and not what the Govenment said it did. Our brothers and sisters want to clarify what happened in Korea, they want to put the truth out in the open for future generations to come…….. to teach them a little of our culture and involvement with the military. Our people fought with dignity and were victorious. Many of them didn’t returned home to their families and were not properly recognized. If they did, they were not given the proper medal for their service. I, myself, am retired from the United States Army after serving 33 years, 10 months, and 5 days of service. I worked with the 6th Brigade in Fort Buchanan during the years 1996-1999, and met many dedicated soldiers in Puerto Rico following the tradition of our elders……. shoes that we cannot fill. I would like to say…thank you, great job…..and let’s educate those that don’t know our place in history.
Sincerely Hector Collazo SFC, USA Retired