Roberto Rivera, Jr.

My father, Roberto Rivera, Sr. was a Borinqueneer. I was young, I remember him commenting about his experiences in the war. He earned a purple heart for an injury sustained in Korea. He was so proud of his service and experiences throughout the world; something that he would have never seen had he not enlisted into military service. When I was watching The Borinqueneers, I was so proud that I could bust!!! I was wondering what he would have said had he not passed away almost eight years ago this coming January.

It was really unsettling to see how these brave men were received by non-Puerto Rican officers as being some kind of savages who only saw the color of their skins rather than the fervor and commitment that they had to fight for our country. I have been a federal employee for twenty years investigating discrimination in the workplace to include racial and national origin. It is truly shocking how many of our fellow american citizens know about Puerto Ricans and the special relationship and role that our people have played in American history since 1898. It is shocking how many do not know that we are American citizes from birth. Maybe, just maybe, this documentary can be the beginning of a healing period to demonstrate that we hold the abilities, dedication and intelligence to achieve a special place in American history . God Bless us all for what we have and give us the strengh, dedication and wisdom to fight racial discrimination and racial stereotyping so that we can become a stronger nation. Only unquestionable unity can help us survive the challenges that this dangerous world will bring in the future.

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