Today I found a pictue of my uncle Corporal Sixto Enrique Montanez-Franco, a picture that no-one in my family has ever seen of him. Apparently he is standing in front of a tent-it is a head shot. My uncle was MIA in outpost kelly September 18 1952- he was part of the 65 infantry Reg company B he was 20 years old. It is with mixed feelings that I write- my mom (his sister) and my grandmother passed away always wondering if he would ever be brought back home. Today I found out that their is a possibility that his remains be be brought home. I read the story of Outpost Kelly September 18 1952 in the night and it made me so sad in the details of how he died, and proud to know of his courage- I pray that this is his opportunity to come home…. May all the solders of the Borinqueneers that died rest in peace