My name is Jose A. Jaramillo, my father is Manuel Jaramillo (El Mejicano) who served with the 65th. in 1951, in Korrea. I never understude the pride that my father had for his fellow soldiers of the 65th. till I saw the film. My father is from Reynosa, Mexico and joined the American Army in order to help with his citizenship, but because of his not being able to speak good english they sent him to the 65th. He tells of the rice and beans, the music and most of all the great pride and honor of the Puerto Ricans, I am an Vietnam Vetren and I know of many things that many Latins went through but even with all the wrong that this great country has done it is still the greatest contry in the world…I would love to take this moment to tell the men of the 65th. of the pride and honor I feel for you for having accepted my father into your ranks. He is now 77 years old and I know it would do his heart good to hear from someone that knew him in Korrea. If you remmember him please write me at