Gladys Picó-Vielma

My Abuelo is Col. Agustín Muñoz MD (retired). Our family has always been so proud of him and of his service and although he rarely talks about his days in Korea he does speak of his 25 years of service, his fellow soldiers and his love of countries (both). Although to us he has always been a big deal, as others here have stated, this kid from the tiny fishing village of Santa Isabella in Puerto Rico who served in Korea and rose through the ranks to become Colonel has by virtue of being PR not received the respect due to him on the mainland. Although a physician, his accent has made others assume he is ignorant, his $ in the form of a check from Banco Popular, rejected as foreign currency, his granddaughter has been asked when she got her green card… It’s a shame how little is known about us here. Boricuas shed blood for this nation! Thank you for brining attention to this!

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