
First of all, WOW! I was mesmerized when I saw “The Borinqueneers” it was about time that someone showed such fighters,brave,and the most caring human beings on earth in relation to wars fighting for the United States. I want to also say that the 65th infantry must and should be honored in many more ways with the survivals. They deserve to have many monuments here in the states and in Puerto Rico and most of all a day off in rememberance of that war that lost not only soldiers,brothers by heart and soul and the even though some did not have experience as a soldier but they went out not only to fight but to stick together for their fellow “Borinquenos” because this is the way we are even if we do not know eash other but because we are very caring people for each other. Please to Raquel Ortiz and everyone else involve in this documentary…please produce lots and lots more documentaries of Puerto Rico because this is the only way of feeling connected to our “Borinquen Bella”.

ps.if you need volunteers for upcoming documentaries please 
it would be an honor to be part of such stories.

Still Puertorriquen and for every
Camy,New York

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