Brian Brown

Before my wife, Lily, and I were married, I was at her house and I happened to see a keepsake box full of medals. I was in the Army so I asked her about where she got them. That’s when she told me about her Grandfather, MSG Eusebio Diaz Santiago (RET.) Co. D 12/1948-2/1951, Purple Heart (Deceased 5/12/1971). This was the first time I had heard any story of the Borinqueneers. She told me how her father, Eusebio’s son, was the one that flew to Washington to accept the Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal on behalf of his father who sadly passed away 40 years earlier. I’m glad these soldiers were finally recognized for their heroics and for inspiring the generations that came after and I hope that they get more of the recognition they so greatly deserve.

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